Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Last of a Dying Breed

In this post I picked a song by the country artist Neal McCoy which is titled “Last of a Dying Breed” to narrate a certain memory of my Grandpa in my life.
Well first things first let me tell you a little bit about the hero, inspiration, and loved one that I will miss for the rest of my life whom is better known as Clyde Hilton my grandfather. My grandpa was born on 1/1/1920 and grew up on a farm with his family raising the major cash crop tobacco along with other things such as cows, horses, hogs, corn and a number of other things. As he grew to the age of 14 or 15 he was able to get his driver’s license while going to school where he eventually graduated but never went to college because living on a farm was hard work and plus when your raising about 108 acres of tobacco you really don’t have time to do anything else. When he hit his twenty’s he finally settled down and got married to my grandma who is known as Mabel Hilton. After being married for a couple of years they decided to have kids and ended up having three boys, two who are my uncles (Michael and Jerry Hilton) and one who is my dad (Mark Hilton). Later on down the road the United States Army had a draft and my grandpa had to go in the service about at the very end of World War 2. As the end of the war was near he was dismissed from his duties and was sent back home to look after his family and continue tending his tobacco crop. As the boys grew older they went to school and graduated and eventually they all got married and had kids giving grandpa a total number of 6 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild that he is proud of. When grandpa got older he began to get slower but still had the best memory and wisdom of anyone I knew, but then one day grandpa got very sick so sick that we took him hospital where he was later diagnosed with leukemia and after fighting a good fight he finally knew that he did the best he could to stay alive and eventually passed away at the age 86 about two years ago. Now that my hero has gone on to a better place I’ve realized that there isn’t many more like him out there in the world and saw that he was one of the last of a dying breed.