Thursday, April 2, 2009

My view of "Good Writing"

In this blog of knowing what good writing is, I think there are a couple of examples that make good writing. Ideas that are interesting are an important part to good writing because ideas are the heart of the piece of what the writer is writing about and the information he or she chooses to write about. Organization that is logical and effective which refers to the order of the ideas and the way the writer moves from one idea to the next. Voice that is individual and appropriate is how the writing feels to someone when they read it for example, is the writing formal or casual and is it friendly and inviting or reserved and standoffish. Voice is the basically the way the writer explains his or her personality through words. Word choice that is specific and memorable is also is another important role in creating a good piece of writing, because good writing uses just the right words to say just the right things. Sentence fluency that is smooth and expressive is very easy to comprehend and quite fun to read with expression. Conventions that are correct and communicative are some of the ways that we all agree to use punctuation, spelling, grammar, and other things that make the piece of writing consistent and easy to read and understand. Good writing also has to have a clear defined purpose that makes sense and won’t throw off the reader that is reading the piece. Make sure that the piece of writing has a clear point because when the reader is reading the writing you don’t won’t that person to keep guessing at what the point is. Be sure that you support that point with the right information about that topic, don’t lead the reader to the wrong information that the topic is trying to point out. The information needs to be clearly connected and arranged, basically don’t be jumping around from topic to topic and keep everything in line. The words in the writing must be appropriate and be sure the sentences are clear, concise, emphatic, and correct this mean you basically don’t won’t any run-on sentences of fragments. These to me are all the things that are needed to write a good piece of writing.

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