Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Can Sleep When I'm Dead

A song that I can really connect a person to is a country song sung by the country singer Jason Michael Carroll, which is the song “I Can Sleep When I’m Dead” and the song relates to one of my family members, who is my uncle.
My uncle was born in 1944 where as a child he grew up on a tobacco farm, raising the main cash crop tobacco, along with other things such as cows, chickens, hogs, and other crops too. As my uncle became older and was able to start helping around the farm, he began to learn what real work was because, when you live and grow up on a tobacco farm you have to plant the plants, let them grow, keep the weeds out of them, and at the end out all that it’s time to pull all of it, and trust me I tried it and it’s exhausting, hard, and very time consuming, plus on top of all that at harvest time, your pulling tobacco six days a week through the whole season. Basically when the whole crop is pulled you have to cure it then get it sold in time, because if you don’t you’re losing money and profit for that whole season. Whenever you sell the whole crop, you basically just cross your fingers and hope you did good so you can pay for all the fuel you spent and the hard labor you put towards it. After my uncle telling me all that I realized just how much little time you have and hardly any time for sleep.
I was really surprised though at my uncle because for being 65 and raising tobacco for all those years till 1995, when he quit, he can about still hang with my buddy and me but we have to tell him he’s slow sometimes so we always have to give him a hard time and tell him to hurry up, but it never works and he just ends up flicking us off and then we would all three just start cracking up. But, to wrap this whole thing up, I believe my uncle puts a new meaning to the song.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My view of "Good Writing"

In this blog of knowing what good writing is, I think there are a couple of examples that make good writing. Ideas that are interesting are an important part to good writing because ideas are the heart of the piece of what the writer is writing about and the information he or she chooses to write about. Organization that is logical and effective which refers to the order of the ideas and the way the writer moves from one idea to the next. Voice that is individual and appropriate is how the writing feels to someone when they read it for example, is the writing formal or casual and is it friendly and inviting or reserved and standoffish. Voice is the basically the way the writer explains his or her personality through words. Word choice that is specific and memorable is also is another important role in creating a good piece of writing, because good writing uses just the right words to say just the right things. Sentence fluency that is smooth and expressive is very easy to comprehend and quite fun to read with expression. Conventions that are correct and communicative are some of the ways that we all agree to use punctuation, spelling, grammar, and other things that make the piece of writing consistent and easy to read and understand. Good writing also has to have a clear defined purpose that makes sense and won’t throw off the reader that is reading the piece. Make sure that the piece of writing has a clear point because when the reader is reading the writing you don’t won’t that person to keep guessing at what the point is. Be sure that you support that point with the right information about that topic, don’t lead the reader to the wrong information that the topic is trying to point out. The information needs to be clearly connected and arranged, basically don’t be jumping around from topic to topic and keep everything in line. The words in the writing must be appropriate and be sure the sentences are clear, concise, emphatic, and correct this mean you basically don’t won’t any run-on sentences of fragments. These to me are all the things that are needed to write a good piece of writing.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Last of a Dying Breed

In this post I picked a song by the country artist Neal McCoy which is titled “Last of a Dying Breed” to narrate a certain memory of my Grandpa in my life.
Well first things first let me tell you a little bit about the hero, inspiration, and loved one that I will miss for the rest of my life whom is better known as Clyde Hilton my grandfather. My grandpa was born on 1/1/1920 and grew up on a farm with his family raising the major cash crop tobacco along with other things such as cows, horses, hogs, corn and a number of other things. As he grew to the age of 14 or 15 he was able to get his driver’s license while going to school where he eventually graduated but never went to college because living on a farm was hard work and plus when your raising about 108 acres of tobacco you really don’t have time to do anything else. When he hit his twenty’s he finally settled down and got married to my grandma who is known as Mabel Hilton. After being married for a couple of years they decided to have kids and ended up having three boys, two who are my uncles (Michael and Jerry Hilton) and one who is my dad (Mark Hilton). Later on down the road the United States Army had a draft and my grandpa had to go in the service about at the very end of World War 2. As the end of the war was near he was dismissed from his duties and was sent back home to look after his family and continue tending his tobacco crop. As the boys grew older they went to school and graduated and eventually they all got married and had kids giving grandpa a total number of 6 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild that he is proud of. When grandpa got older he began to get slower but still had the best memory and wisdom of anyone I knew, but then one day grandpa got very sick so sick that we took him hospital where he was later diagnosed with leukemia and after fighting a good fight he finally knew that he did the best he could to stay alive and eventually passed away at the age 86 about two years ago. Now that my hero has gone on to a better place I’ve realized that there isn’t many more like him out there in the world and saw that he was one of the last of a dying breed.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Rabbit Hunting "A Backwoods Choir"

Well for this second post on finding critics who loves what I love and hates what I love will be on one of my favorite hobbies I love which is rabbit hunting with beagles.
Well to start things off with this blog on rabbit hunting with beagles, I want to tell you of a best friend I have who I’ve known ever since kindergarten and lives only a few houses down from me is Adam. Adam and I have our dads, friends, and family members who were and are still into rabbit hunting, so it is basically in our blood to go out and hunt all the time. Each of us has our own pack of beagles, I have a total number of five and Adam has a total number of twelve, which in the woods it makes one heck of a “backwoods choir”. Rabbit season normally comes in season at the beginning of January and goes out at the end of February. Since the season is in only for a short amount of time we try to go all the time sometimes during the week but most of the time it’s on the Saturday of each weekend. To sum it up Adam and I have a lot in common when it comes to rabbit hunting.
The other person that isn’t really interested in rabbit hunting at all like Adam and I are is my older cousin Tyler. Tyler is more of the opposite of Adam and I, he is more interested in the things that you do in indoors like playing video games, playing his guitar, being on the computer, and a whole lot of other things that isn’t related to rabbit hunting, even though I have tried to get him to go with us hunting, but I guess you can’t just change how a person is.
After writing this piece of writing on critics that love what I love but hate what I love I realized that there are a whole lot of people out there in the world that have different opinions on what you love but hate what you love.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Blog 1 "Knight Rider"

Blog 1

Hello editors of Entertainment Weekly my name is Ryan Hilton and wanted to tell you a little bit about what I think is the best show on television since 2008 and still is today and that is the show “Knight Rider”.
Well first off the 2008 series of “Knight Rider” is based off of the original series that aired back in 1982. In the new series, a old man by the name of Charles Graiman (who discovered the art of artificial intelligence) is kidnapped and his daughter Sarah Graiman is sent to track down her ex-boyfriend Mike Traceur and together they rescue Sarah’s father and Mike discovers that his father is none other than Michael Knight (the original driver in the 1982 series). After realizing this Mike decides to hang with Sarah and Dr. Graiman and together with the help of KITT, a artificially intelligent Ford Shelby GT500KR, who in the original series was a Pontiac Trans Am, they fight against the world of crime and bring it to justice. Also with this trio they have the help of Carrie Rivai and Alex Torres who are FBI consultants and Billy Morgan and Zoe Chae providing them with technical support. The very first mission they attempt is probably the best one of them all because, Mike’s past comes back to haunt him and the two FBI consultants decide to fake his death and no longer does Mike Traceur cease to exist and Michael Knight is reborn again.
Later in the season there is one particular episode that I like, but don’t get me wrong I like all of them just this one really hit my interest. The episode “Knight to King’s Pawn”, Sarah is devastated by her father’s death, who died in a plane crash when trying to land, decides that she just needs to get away but only to be followed by Mike who is very concerned about her. While Mike and Sarah are away, the NSA shuts down the program and pulls KITT’s main chip out of him. With the main chip of KITT in NSA hands, they try to put the main chip in another prototype named KARR, which before was shut down after something went wrong and killed and destroyed everything in its path. When Mike and Sarah returned and realized what had happened they were determined to fix KITT, with the help of Zoe and Billy, and put the end to Karr.
Knight Rider in short is just what I think one of the best drama, action, and adventured packed shows of 2008 and still is in the year of 2009 and hopefully it will for rest of the years that it’s aired.